Burnout Satin Chiffon Mandalas Printed Dress Fabric 58" M115 Mtex
Width 58 inches
Sample Size approx 10cm x 10cm
Colour: Plum 1, Red 2, Black 3, Purple 4
Width: 58" Wide
Pattern size:
Weight: 140 g/m² approx
Use: Dress Fabric, Tops and skirts, Crafting
Textile finishing:
Feel/Hanging: Soft feel, hangs well
Certificates: None
Burnout Satin Chiffon Mandalas Printed Dress Fabric 58" M115 Mtex
Width 58 inches
Sample Size approx 10cm x 10cm
Colour: Plum 1, Red 2, Black 3, Purple 4
Width: 58" Wide
Pattern size:
Weight: 140 g/m² approx
Use: Dress Fabric, Tops and skirts, Crafting
Textile finishing:
Feel/Hanging: Soft feel, hangs well
Certificates: None